Pre-treatment image of a tooth that was completely pain free when not in use (biting/chewing). Patient reported sharp, non-lingering, shooting pain only when pressure was applied to a certain part of the toothNext Gallery“It only hurts when I bite a certain way on this tooth”Crown as part of treatment for Cracked Tooth Syndrome
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Initial old filling removalNext Gallery“It only hurts when I bite a certain way on this tooth”Crown as part of treatment for Cracked Tooth Syndrome
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Completed filling and decay removal; note obvious crack line on floor of cavity preparationNext Gallery“It only hurts when I bite a certain way on this tooth”Crown as part of treatment for Cracked Tooth Syndrome
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Permanent filling. All pain symptoms were eliminatedNext Gallery“It only hurts when I bite a certain way on this tooth”Crown as part of treatment for Cracked Tooth Syndrome
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Crown preparation. Crown placement provides best reinforcement of tooth structureNext Gallery“It only hurts when I bite a certain way on this tooth”Crown as part of treatment for Cracked Tooth Syndrome
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Permanent porcelain crown in placeNext Gallery“It only hurts when I bite a certain way on this tooth”Crown as part of treatment for Cracked Tooth Syndrome
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