What is a "No Prep Veneer"?
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Abundant plaque and tartar Pre-treatment appearance of teeth. Patient desired her teeth to have a more uniform appearance, look whiter and regain some of the original length lost over the years due to heavy clenching and grinding. A protective bite guard was also fabricated
What is a "No Prep Veneer"?
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Little to no preparation is seen on the 3 teeth on the left and they are ready to receive their porcelain veneers. The 3 teeth on the right have their porcelain veneers in place
What is a "No Prep Veneer"?
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Appearance of lower teeth prior to placement of porcelain veneers
What is a "No Prep Veneer"?
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Lower porcelain veneers in place
What is a "No Prep Veneer"?
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